Saturday, September 8, 2012

im not bad.. just so STRAIGHTFORWARD

im a straightforward girl. and a classmate of mine hates me for that. but why? if your a frank and outspoken person, would that makes you a bad one? 

to defend myself: i cant stand the attitude of being nice to the people who treated me bad and have caused me harm. im not the person who would just act nice in front of you and pretend you haven't done anything wrong.. and in the end  would get pissed and suffer cause u have no idea that you've done something immoral to me.. so why suffer if i could just tell you or make you feel that you've done something wrong to me?

reflection: maybe that's why some people in the past left me. cause i'm straightforward and impulsive of my actions. i fight for what i believe. i scold people. i want war, i want justice, i want FAIRNESS ..  

for further ellaboration:you see, i was once this girl who used to be stepped on, tamed, and secretive. ill just sit there in the corner and cry. keeping all those EFFs to myself believing it would be okey  if ill just keep my mouth shut.. but you see, nowadays a large percentage of people are too numb to notice their faults. and if i zipp my mouth, id suffer and would get irritated of these insensitive the best, the most friendly, nice, approachable, true, caring, loving, and gentle person you could ever meet. but i could be the most dangerous, worst, fearless, bitchiest bitch you could ever encounter once u've hurt me, my family , friends and loved ones.

ive been a lot of stuffs these past few years. so i know how hard it is being hurt. so as much as possible i go straight to the problem and solve it.

so would that makes me a bad creature?

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