Saturday, September 10, 2011

status quo

the status quo

He betrayed you
He cheated on you
He lied to you
He keeps on hurting you
Your’e just happy when ur together,
But ur bothered when hes not around or hes not texting u
He keeps on saying sorry and promises not to commit the same mistakes again, but he keeps on doing the same wrong thing and u end up crying…
While ur busy doing ur stuffs, he is also busy doing stuffs with others secretly
Your’e always giving him a chance yet he always fails to prove himself to you 
Hes the numbest person ever existed
If he did it once, twice, three times, he can do it again
Same thing, same reason, and maybe with the same person..
And there you are, HURT, BOTHERED, ANXIOUS, then CRYING ..
Yet, always welcomes him with open arms. 
Believing  his sweet words again.
Expecting him to change
But after sometime, there he goes
Doing his old stuffs again..
And there you are
Hurting and crying with the same set of reasons..

-a little reminder from tumblr (just in case u forgot)